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prononciation 🇫🇷 |
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la maison | [mɛzɔ̃] | the house |
l’appartement | [apaʀtəmɑ̃] | the apartment |
la pièce | [pjɛs] | the room |
la chambre à coucher | [ʃɑ̃bʀakuʃe] | the bedroom |
la cuisine | [kɥizin] | the kitchen |
la salle de bains | [saldəbɛ̃] | the bathroom |
le salon | [salɔ̃] | the living room |
la salle à manger | [salamɑ̃ʒe] | the dining room |
le séjour | [seʒuʀ] | the living room |
l’entrée | [ɑ̃tʀe] | the entry |
l’étage | [etaʒ] | the upstair |
l’escalier | [ɛskalje] | the stairs |
le mur | [myʀ] | the wall |
le grenier | [gʀənje] | the attic |
le couloir | [kulwaʀ] | the hallway |
la fenêtre | [f(ə)nɛtʀ] | the window |
la porte | [pɔʀt] | the door |
le toit | [twa] | the roof |
la cave | [kav] | the cellar |
le bureau | [buʀo] | the study |
la buanderie | [bɥɑ̃dʀi] | the laundry room |
le parquet | [paʀkɛ] | the woodenfloor |
le plancher | [plɑ̃ʃe] | the floor |
le sol | [sɔl] | the floor |
la cheminée | [ʃ(ə)mine] | the fireplace |
la bibliothèque | [biblijɔtɛk] | the library |
la chambre d’amis | [ʃɑ̃bʀdami] | the guest room |
les rangements | [ʀɑ̃ʒmɑ̃] | the storage |
les toilettes | [twalɛt] | the toilet |
le cellier | [selje] | the storeroom |
le garage | [gaʀaʒ] | the garage |
le jardin | [ʒaʀdɛ̃] | the garden |
la salle de jeux | [saldəʒø] | the game room |